Wednesday, November 09, 2005

random thoughts to keep me writing

i found out yesterday that the business proposal that my partner and i have been working on for the past 3-4 weeks was one of the top two of the class. this is a blessing and a curse. on the one hand, yea us! on the other hand, now we have to go head-to-head with the other consulting team and present our proposals to the mock executives of the company we are planning to help.

i have no issues with the presentation. i was told today by one of my professors that she is quite impressed with my presentation skills and sees me doing very well as a consultant. no, this just means that i have yet another project to work on. not a huge deal, and i'll enjoy it, for the most part. i'm just feeling a little burnt out on school work at the moment. looking forward to winter break when i can see my friends again! (I miss you!)

all in all, it feels pretty damn good to have been chosen as one of the top two. i'd rather be here than have no presentation to do because we wrote a 'bad' proposal.

this morning was one of the most beautiful mornings i've seen in awhile. i'm sure i've mentioned before that i love the view of bernal hill from my street. now that the rain has come again and washed the pollution out of the air, when the sun shines, all of the lines on the horizon and in between are so crisp and clear. the light this morning made everything look new. and the hill outside my window is starting to turn green again. it's interesting how winter in san francisco means 'life' in many ways.

hmmm ... i seem to choose to write in this blog when i am prone to being too tired to write - like now. i'm going to go to sleep and wake up early tomorrow. try and get some meditation and/or a little yoga in to start my day. it's always a good way to take care of myself. i'm feeling healthy and strong lately (in all regards) and i want to keep it that way.

oooh, that last yawn indicates a good, deep sleep coming on!!

1 comment:

juli claire said...

Congratulations:) And, I know what you mean about groaning with another project. Still, I have been finding a lot of resistance (and possibly laziness) when it comes down to really doing the work that I want to do (in this case, at the moment, it's writing fiction). So, consider it a sign you're headed in a good direction for you:)

We had a crazy-ass storm last night. Hard to sleep with the rain pelting 2 feet from our heads, and the van rocking in the wind (just the wind;)

It will be interesting to see life beginning in CA after being here where life is bedding down to hibernate.