Sunday, November 14, 2004


okay ... now that's more like it. it may only be noon, but today is looking to be a better day.

here's a sample of why i like today:

* Nick Drake - "One of these things first" - I love this song. If you haven't seen Garden State yet - go see it. It's a great feel-good film with a really kick-ass soundtrack. That's how I discovered this song and now I listen to it daily.

* A cutie from NY wrote me to say: "I'm in NYC, but I just had to write to tell you how damn sexy you are, both pic and profile. Too bad we're a continent apart. But that's kind of sexy and romantic, isn't it?" Yes, it is.

* I'm actually getting work done!

* Zack called to apologize that things got all weird and said it was cool if I wanted to come get Kaya to take her out. This gesture makes such a difference. It's that kind of interaction that opens me and makes me want to do anything for someone. It eases me into ways I can change to accommodate the needs of others. It shows humilty to make the call and I respect the effort he put forth to do so. I truly look forward to the day all that other stuff doesn't come up. I have an intention to make it that way by the time they get married next year - not just to make it so the wedding is comfortable (and I'm assuming and hoping I'm invited), but also because they are leaving for 2-7 years afterwards and I want that space to end on a good note. It does make me sad to think that I won't see Madhavi for a long time.

* Joy wrote me back after I wrote to tell her how good it was to see her the other night and mentioned that there were also good tidings felt by some comrads about me. And that people were happy to see me and want me around more.

* I got in touch with my cousin Jim who I haven't seen in FOREVER. He's in Florida living a very different life than me. It was good to have a little connection after all this time. I got my first real drumset from him back when I was 9 or 10 or something - he's, like, a hero to me for that!

I mean ... how can you have a bad day with all that?

Okay, there are ways you could still have a bad day after all that ... BUT none of those things are going to happen to change that this is a good day!

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