Thursday, December 23, 2004

Reflections and Projections

So, I've been thinking … yes, this is something I can do now that my semester is over … what is 2005 going to be about?

Some things were stirred up in my men's group the other night … some thoughts now whirling around in my head about lessons learned in 2004 and the things I want to create in 2005.

All in all, I feel pretty great. I look back at this year and have nothing to complain about. I think I carried myself more wholly than ever before. I made a lot of what I wanted to happen, happen:

I ended a long-term relationship with style and grace.
I developed new, loving friendships.
I got accepted into school and did a kick-ass job my first semester.
I intentionally built cohesion and unity among my classmates.
I began visioning and preparing for the home that will meet all my needs.
I created the job situation I wanted while in school.
I embarked on many adventures of the body, mind and spirit.
I challenged myself emotionally, physically and mentally.
I grew.
I accepted my faults and failures.
I stood up for myself when it counted most.
I loved.
I danced.
I stuck to the path that I laid before myself … the path that I wanted for myself.
I healed myself.
I loved myself.

So what's in store for ‘05?

Well, there are a number of things I want.

I am going to live more freely - less inhibited, less self-limited.
I am going to create possibility for myself to have what I want and help others have what they want.
I am going to take care of my friends, family and the planet as best I can.
I am going to continue to kick-ass in school and pave the way for the career that will allow me to help others create the change they want.
I am going to love, laugh and live deeply.
I am going to break down more walls.
I am going to speak more effectively and act more fluidly.
I am going my body to be in the best shape of my life.
I am going to sink into deeper relationships with those I love.
I am going to drum again.
I am going to stop obsessing about money and stop worrying about not having enough.
I am going to heal people.
I am going to lead people.
I am going to bring people together.

And I think all that just scratches the surface.

This year is about stepping into my greatness and laying the tracks for what I want in my life .... living in possibility and with less self-limitation ... enjoying the greater gifts in life and worrying less about the day-to-day details.

I'm trusting you to help keep me on target.

1 comment:

juli claire said...

here here!