Friday, September 03, 2004

next blog

okay, next blog is pretty cool. i've found a few interesting blogs to read while surfing around.

BUT ... if i sEe 1 moor blog that IS wriTTen likz thiz, I'm gunna KiLl Sum1.
wHAT is tHe FASTinATION with uncorrect grammer and heLLA missspellinggs?

some1 pleez esplain. i dont getit.

l33t - and what the hell does that mean? Loot? Leet? I'm a dumbass?

okay, i feel a little better now.



Sonia said...

Oh God! Don't I know what you mean! I find that highly annoying. You know about the consonant test? I did it once and it works. The friend who talked to me about it sent me a text where the vowells of all the words were missing. Only the consonants were left. And I could read the text just as fast as any other text. In fact, I didn't even realized that the vowells were missing until it said so in the text. Because the text in itself was explaining what it was all about. This is fascinating stuff!

See, our minds are so conditionned to see these words, from the moment that we first learn to read, that we recognize them in the fraction of an instant, they are photographed in our brain, and we don't need to see all the letters to recognize them. It's like when you tell a friend to meet you in a cafe. When you arrive, you don't need to see his face to recognize him, even if he's busy reading and is not looking at you when you come in, you're still going to recognize him.

That's why it is so annoying to read a text written like the young Web users are writting them. We don't have any point of reference! At first glance, we have the impression that it's another language. And then, when we realize that it's not, we have to read everything slowly and aloud in our heads. I hate that! And I decided that I'm not going to waste my time on them. There are too many far more interesting things to read anyway!


tol eressea said...

1337 - leet - elite