Thursday, September 23, 2004

pie and the art of driving fast

i made a pie last weekend. madhavi came over and re-taught me how to make the crust. she is a piexpert. i had picked a lot of blackberries up at bruinslair a couple weekends ago and froze them in delicious anticipation of gooey pie goodness. and lo, it has come.

i made a an apple-blackberry pie and she made a peach-blackberry pie. we agreed to only eat half of our pies and swap this weekend. i have eaten my half and the other half just sits there calling to me. last night i woke up standing in front of an open refrigerator, the light illuminating my skin with an unnatural yellow glow, staring at the pie. it was saying ... eat me.

oh peach-blackberry, i salivate for thee. sunday will not arrive too soon.

i need to slow down. i've been practicing the art of zen and speeding. you see, i like to drive fast and i consider myself extremely safe as i like to believe that i am ultra-aware when i want to be. and yet, i don't like the often energetic frenzy my body gets in when i feel like i have to get somewhere quickly. so i'm experimenting with keeping my body physiology slow while i drive my vehicle fast. (and for my mom, who sometimes reads this, no ... i'm not driving *dangerously* fast ... i'm just ... efficient!). this means i try and breath slow and sharpen my awareness as i careen across town. it's kinda working. at least i get much less annoyed at other drivers when they are not paying attention or driving ultra-conservatively.

when i sat down i was going to write a more emotionally rich post about feeling more love in my life lately, but now i'm just thinking about pie. so i'll save that for another day.

in other disturbing news, Hanson is coming to Shoreline next month. Why are they still together? Why do they get to play Shoreline and not me? (Well, I actually don't want to play Shoreline, that venue sucks). Do you think I'd get kicked out if I went and heckled them from the front row? I figure no one else is going to be there, I can probably get front row center seats. Okay, just thinking about that gives me the heebies.

great, now i'm going to have dreams about hanson eating my pie and the only way to stop them will be to get all zen and chase them in my car.

(i'm sure that if any genuine zen buddhism practitioners read this, they'll get pissed that i (a) said "get all zen" and (b) pretend like i know anything about the zen tradition (which i don't really - so i'll probably go to the zen version of hell for this)).


e said...

pie may be the best thing in the world. making pie kicks ass. i was making pies for a while: the first one i made was fantastic. the second one tasted good, but was unattractive. that pretty much ended my pie making. but perhaps one should persevere and try again. for the sake of pie!

although hanson is coming, on the brighter side pj harvey is coming not once but twice next month! i'm sure that makes up for silly old hanson.

Sonia said...

Jason, my man, you're a strong-willed dude! If it was me staring at that pie, I would have said "Fuck it!" and ate it. Then the next day, I would have gone to the store, buy one to replace it and then pretend that nothing happened. LOL!

Anonymous said...

eat the fucking pie. jesus christ. -- zaypop

Anonymous said...

Wait just a minute! Everyone's telling you to eat the "____ing" pie...but if you are slowing down, breathing slowly, lowering your blood pressure--and metabolism--don't you worry about putting one of those tires around your middle? ??? Ma

juli claire said...

i'm with you on the car speed zen - good idea. I have a story you might like that I wrote. It's in process. It's about yearning for honey, and some other stuff. Lemme know if you want to read it, i'll email an excerpt (the ending is non-existent at the moment).