Friday, October 01, 2004

perhaps i will ....

... blog!

why is it everytime i am enthusiastic about blogging, i am unable to do it and when i have some free time, blogging is the last thing i want to do? i think it's part of that whole "want what you can't have syndrome".

what is there to say really?

* i'm still eating pie - that's good!
* our president is still an idiot - no surpise there
* even though my thumb still hurts, i found out i don't have any joint damage - phew!
* we have a new awesome roomie moving in this weekend!
* our president is STILL and idiot

so i watched the debate last night and wasn't suprised at all about how it went. they both lied a little, they both fibbed and exaggerated. what do you want from two feces-throwing children?

why oh why can't we have GOOD candidates for president? there are so many good people out there who just want to figure out how to take care of each other and our planet so we can all live long, relatively disease and corruption-free lives. but we seem intent on continuing the game. the power of greed never ceases to amaze me.

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