Thursday, July 22, 2004

i love people right now

i love people right now.  it's really just the simple things that can perk me up. 

xooxy gave me some props over email and that was great to read, plus her general appreciation of our friendship makes me quite happy.  she is a good egg.

the storm mentioned last night that it was good to see me and talk with me again (it's been awhile) and that too was just a simple little gesture that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 

i'm coming to terms with the fact that i will always need positive reinforcement from people - that i am not some super-human who doesn't need other people's approval or attention (as i sometimes like to believe) and that that is okay. 

otherwise, i've completely forgotten about anything else i was going to write about. 

so, without further ado .... neener neener neeener!


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